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Getting Started

This is the stage in which the entrepreneur generates ideas, recognizes opportunities, and studies the market idea. This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

Angello Ecosystem Canvas 

The ecosystem canvas tool will enable you to better understand the needs of your ecosystem by visually mapping where the areas of growth are and the steps that need to be taken to achieve the growth potential

Click the button below to access the interactive version

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Ecosystem Canvas
Typology Model

Entrepreneur Typology Model

Entrepreneur Typology Model.png

The model describes the building blocks and the ecosystem elements required as part of the journey of an entrepreneurs. 

Ecosystem Diagram

Ecosystem Diagram 

The ecosystem mapping tool will support you in identifying various stakeholders in your ecosystem, the gaps in provision and the opportunities to serve.

The process will give you a better understanding of the strength of your ecosystem.

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Ecosystem Report

Ecosystem Report 

We’re constantly staying up-to-date on the latest trends, models, and methods of success within the Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor ecosystems. Here, you’ll find individual reports that detail research into different sectors, concepts, and ideas relevant to Christian business leaders around the world.

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SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis

You can use the SWOT analysis to gather information about your organisation, an organisational process or project. It starts with a brainstorm in the SWOT matrix (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and ends with a series of questions to get at the "now what?" stage of decision-making. 

Follow the button bellow to start completing your own SWOT analysis.

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