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Relatomics Foundation

Angello helps over 200 Children in South Africa to learn Computer Sciences

The Background:

Angello partners Relativ co-founded the Relatomics Foundation which is focused on educating and empowering youth through future skills development through its project, InCode, founded in 2018.

The issue they set out to solve was the lack of education in Computer Science. According to, 71% of all new jobs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) are in Computing, whereas only 8% of graduates in STEM graduated in Computer Science. Internationally, this gap has been identified by educators and consequently, computer science has been added to the foundational curriculum of schools as a subject for developing key competencies such as computational thinking and abstract problem solving.

Our Aim:

In.code aims to address this gap, offering schools, teachers and parents the tools, work plans and assessments needed to teach children to be the masters of the machines they use, not slaves to them. Our objective was to get foundation phase learners (from Grade RR to Grade 2) excited about Computer Science and so open up a new world of learning that will impact their cognitive development during this crucial developmental stage in their lives.

Our Work:

So far, this programme has taught over 200 budding computer scientists to date and has run for two and half years. It piloted with classes of up to 15 learners, from the ages of 5 -10, who learnt to use both offline and online tools. This video shows some children collaborating to check their algorithm.

You can discover more about the InCode work here.

Measuring Success:

We have already benefited over 200 young learners to date and seen participation double each year since inception.


"My son, Jadon, has been attending in.code classes for about the last two and half years. I am extremely grateful that this program has been offered at school and has made the world of difference to Jadons self confidence, logic and reasoning skills, as well as his spacial awarenes abilities. Jadon is on the autism spectrum and has great difficulty with reading and speech, and being able to strengthen his natural maths and logic skills, while improving his self confidence with in.code has been amazing. He loves in.code and the joy he gets from each class is priceless!"

- Jane Burger

"My 8 year old daughter loves coding. She comes home and spontaneously shares about her coding achievements with much excitement. I feel it is important for our children to have this opportunity to learn and understand more about the coding world as we become more and more technology based."- Shelley Hall


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Cape Town




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Angello Development Foundation is registered as a charity with the Northern Ireland Charity Commission. (Registered Charity Number NIC101440)

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